A lot of things happen behind the scenes at Nice Guys Brewery to ensure your beer is the freshest and tastiest it can be. It starts with traditional brewing techniques including step-mashing in our German brewhouse. The Germans certainly know a thing or two about beer and the step mash gives our lager and pilsner that classic flavour and crispness, often found lacking at other breweries! Our beers aren't poured out of kegs like at your regular pub, but out of large chilled serving tanks called Brites. This means not only does the beer stay fresher it also reduces cleaning and the associated environmental impacts. The reason is that every time a vessel is filled, a small amount oxygen gets in, which affects freshness and flavour. Removing kegs from the equation makes it better for the environment and for the beer. Win win. May be that is why we picked up five medals at the 2021 Australian International Beer Awards. Nice Guys bringing classic back to beer.